INTRODUCTION                     Are there a definate seven modern wonders
MAP OF WORLD                      of the world, well the simple answer is NO.
1) PYRAMIDS OF EYGPT           There are a definate 7 natural and ancient
2) LEANING  TOWER OF PISA    wonders but no definate modern wonders,
3) SUEZ CANAL                             as there are so many to choose from. In the
4) TAJ MAHAL                              ancient world there were seven man made
5) PETRA                                         structures for the travelers to see on a world
                                                          tour. Now the so - called seven modern wonders
                                                          of the world varies from person to person.

                                                           Here are my favorite modern wonders of
PAGE 2                                           the world and see if you agree with me.

                                  If  you agree with my choice of wonders then just  .
                                  click on any of the wonders., to find out more But
                                  if you disagree then  e - mail me for your choice
                                  or comments.